Headdress enhances your Mac's ability to virtually host web sites on your local network. With Headdress, you will no longer need to nest your sites or dig through config files.
Work from Headdress
Headdress now allows you to assign your favorite browsers and text editors* to your projects.
Multiple Sites on Multiple Configs
Headdress can now handle multiple sites under multiple server configs.
Broadcast your development sites over your network via Bonjour.
For the "Terminally" challenged, one-click activation.
Easy to Use
Click "Add Site". Enter a nickname for the site and pick where on your computer it can be found. Hit "Save".
No More Nesting
Web serving is easy to turn on in OS X, but out of the box you can only host 1 site. Some folks nest other sites in subfolders, but that can make file paths for links and images complicated. Headdress allows you to set multiple sites via virtual hosting, each within their own virtually hosted domain.
Develop on the Go
Your laptop (or desktop) will act just like an offsite server running Apache & PHP. This means you can develop on the go. Flying on a plane or sitting in an office without internet access is no longer an obstacle.